Organic crop insurance can be boring. These videos are not!

Crop insurance can be a confusing program for organic farmers. Contract pricing, covered crops, uninsurable practices and events are all examples of ways that crop insurance is different for organic producers. This course will explain the benefits organic farmers have in crop insurance, including options if coverage is not available for more specialized crops in a rotation.

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This material is funded in partnership by USDA, Risk Management Agency, under award number RMA22CPT0012393.

"Thanks for bringing these good videos to our attention. They are designed for people who help farmers, but now I finally understand the ins and outs of crop insurance. They are an enjoyable way to learn while eating your lunch."

Course Viewer

Take a peak behind the curtain

As an organic advisor, it is important that you know how your recommendations may affect eligibility for crop insurance coverage. Your client’s financial health may hang in the balance!

What you will learn

This course provides an overview of the crop insurance program for organic operations. Organic farms have some special benefits available to them, as well as certain limitations on production practices. After completing this course, you will understand the particulars of crop insurance for organics so that you can provide the best advice to your clients.

  • Crop insurance cycle from application to claim
  • Programs like revenue protection, livestock, and hail
  • Coverage limitations and practice restrictions
  • Benefits unique to organic producers like contract pricing and organic price election
  • Role of crop insurance agents

Table of Contents

  Welcome to the Course
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Organic Crop Insurance
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Revenue & Whole Farm Protection
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Hail, Pasture, & Livestock
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Putting the 'Organic' in Crop Insurance
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Getting the Most out of Crop Insurance
Available in days
days after you enroll
Available in days
days after you enroll


Megan Vaith

Megan Vaith, owner of Northbourne Organic Crop Insurance, LLC, is an organic crop insurance agent and educator. She has made it her mission to make sure organic growers are aware of the organic risk management options available to them, establishing a baseline for generational success.

Sam Oschwald Tilton

Sam Oschwald Tilton, of Glacial Drift Consulting, LLC, is an organic weed management and vegetable production educator. He enjoys teaching farmers and service providers about weed management options and the wide world of vegetables. As a former technical college horticulture instructor, Sam enjoys making engaging agricultural learning materials.  

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